Sunday, April 5, 2015


YAHOO... we are going on the road again!

I used a sturdy pry bar to loosen Cheryl's grip on the newest grandson long enough to hit the road. Now all that is left to do is convince myself that I can leave him for a while to take this trip!

We have been "anchored" since our return from South Carolina in February. It is now time to shake off the cobwebs and make the wheels on the bus go round and round. First order of business is much needed repairs on our rolling retirement home. We have a slide that doesn't want to close unless the engine is running. What is up with that? Also our propane guage is eternally stuck on the full mark,  leading to a couple of surprises upon trying to use the gas stove! Also the rear AC/heat pump has become very noisy ($$$).

After what I am certain will be a long stay at the factory service center; we may head back to the just wander around aimlessly? I don't know how long we will be roaming, but I am sure it will only be a short jaunt before we hastily return for some grandchildren time!


Merikay said...
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Tom and Marci said...
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