Friday, March 20, 2009


Well here I am back to work it is all I can do to stop daydreaming! Since the great time I had in Kerrville, all I am thinking about is how to finish this work stuff early and hit the road in an RV :) .. Every once in a while someone will stroll past my work station and glance at the spreadsheet on my screen and they probably think I am working hard! The reality is I have probably been on that same sheet for an hour because I am just staring at it while I daydream :)

Cheryl and I talk a lot about the wonderful time we had with friends at “the gathering”. We aren’t exactly social superstars, but somehow we manage to socialize well with fellow RV Dreamers. We were married as youngsters and immediately started having children right out of high school (we had two before we found out what was causing it) :) .. Anyway we have been “family types” all our lives, until the last one left home about a year and a half ago. Since the military kept us moving a lot, we didn’t really make a lot of close friends, we just became a tight knit family. Now that we are an empty nest, we are enjoying going out and meeting new folks and making new friends. I just know we will make a lot of friends once we are fulltiming :)

Well enough raving for one day, I have to get some work done GBY all …………….

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