Friday, November 14, 2008



Well tomorrow will be a week that we have been here at Rocky Point Campground and we both feel it is just not enough! We could stay another week, just doing nothing in particular besidees relaxing. It has been perfect, even the weather really. Saturday night was cool and made sitting around the campfire that much more enjoyable. Sunday was relaxing and cool also, then the rain started coming in on Monday and hung around on Tuesday. Those were the days we read, cruised the internet, napped and ended up doing some laundry. Wednesday was damp then a little sunshine and Thursday was great, although we ended up making a trip to Walmart for some supplies.

We were re-entering the campground coming from Walmart when we noticed a firetruck leaving. Our first thoughts were, "did we cut everything off?" and then as we rounded a curve we spotted it, a motorhome burned down to the chassis! There was a couple with a child sitting on the curb nearby talking with park rangers and firemen. Thank God they were not hurt, but how sad that they lost the motorhome and all on it. The host at the campground gate told us the couple had just drove in, paid to dump only and left. They didn't get far. :(

I didn't have the camera with me and it probably wouldn't have been appropriate to stop and take pictures anyway.

As we pulled into our campsite, we spotted 4 fawn at the edge of the woods, just what we needed to cheer us up a little. Again no camera handy, but maybe they will show up again before our time is up. Anyway the wind is starting to pick up a little, so I think I will go out and put the awning in, just to be on the safe side. Until we meet again, remember every day of life is a gift from God...........


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