Sunday, August 17, 2008


Hi Everyone. We are still here, staying really busy with mundane, boring everyday things and still working. I guess that is really a good thing, considering that is what I need to do to reach my ultimate goal of hitting the road fulltime and debt free! I have even come to terms with being passed over for the other job. I am focused on the ultimate goal of becoming debt free and getting out there with all my fulltime friends!

I had a lot of my annual medical appointments this past week and found out that getting older is not for wimps! According to my cardioligist, I need to cut out stress, change my diet, get more exercise and lose some wieght. Sounds like a prescription for fulltime RVing!

Then came the dentist, she was the bearer of some unsettling news, I have a bad infection in my lower gum. My being a diabetic makes this a more serious problem than if I were not. She suggest a dental surgery which is going to set back my plan to financial freedom a couple of months. Sure wished I had some dental insurance!

Well there is not a lot more to report, maybe we will do something a bit more exciting this week! Until then, here is some more pics from the past.......


Mark and Dortha said...

Keep your spirits up...and remember one day at a time. Above all, take care of yourself. We want you out there on the road with us.


Speedy said...

Yes, I second that. We all need to make it out there. It will all come Somewhere in Time

Joe and Sherri

LakeConroePenny,TX said...

Lovely scenery in AR. I loved Petit Jean Mtn. But it was so cold one Christmas in an old house at the top of the mountain, that I thought I was going to have to take out my arteries and thaw them around the wood stove. That is all they had for heat, and the house was so drafty I don't know how they lived there.
JHappy Trails, Penny, TX