Well they say "better late than never". What does that mean and who exactly are they? I don't know, but I am finally getting back to posting about our family adventure at Christmas at Roseland!
These family get togethers serve as a reminder to live for today and tomorrow will take care of itself. Sure, I dream of the day that Cheryl and I will travel fulltime in an RV, but I also realize how precious each and everyday can be.
Well enough of the deep philosophical thoughts, back to the adventure! It was quite a night for us, the gardens were decorated beautifully and the kids were thoroughly amazed with lights. The youngest, Brendan, was also "energized" and quite a handful! He will take off running and he is hard to catch. I am thankful his dad was around to do all the running after him. Check him out in these pictures:

Can you tell that someone always has to have a hold on the little guy? Oh, but he is worth the effort though. He loved the decorations, in fact this one he loved so much he tried to eat it!

Yes, the little guy had fun and so did my other little blessings. Check out my little princess, Hayley:

and here she is again with my little prince, Nicholas (he would hate it if I called him that!):

Now here they are showing their "true nature" as goofs:

The "rumored to be adults" had fun also, mostly just because of the kids. Meet my oldest daughter and the mother of Brendan, Sheila:

and here is my youngest daughter, Crystal:

of course most of you know the love of my life, Cheryl:

The adventure would not be complete without visiting Santa:

We even got the little guy to visit with Santa. I am not sure but I think he was a little leary of the jolly ole elf, what do you think?

Here are a few more pictures:

We all had a wonderful time and look forward to many more. I am going to post again this week with some pictures of our Christmas. I hope I am not boring anyone to death out there :) Until next time remember:
Hi Everyone. Once again I have been remiss in posting and this time there were things happening outside my everyday routine! :) Not only did I get to work with excel spreadsheets and other exciting things, but the space shuttle Endeavor came to Barksdale AFB for a rest stop on it's way back home. :) Here it is coming in for a landing (riding piggyback of course):
Here she is again, making her way to a parking spot. I wonder if the pilot will have as hard a time finding one as we do at Walmart during Christmas shopping season? :)
Let's zoom in for a closer look, hmmmmm... looks like she needs a wash job after the trip. Anyone know if there is a Blue Beacon Truck Wash around here? :)
I picked up my grandson to come over and look at the space shuttle and he wanted to see it take off. He thought it would be cool to see it rise off the back of the 747 that was carrying it!! He is 7 years old, I am a little older and I was thinking the same thing! :)
Cheryl has been busy shopping in all her spare time. Noticed I didn't say Cheryl and Don.. :) Normally we are inseperable, however I do have my limits :)
That is about all the excitement I can stand in one post, so until next time:
Thanksgiving has come and gone, but it is only the beginning of the holiday season. We love the holidays, especially Cheryl. She loves decorating with lights, snowmen, singing santas and all kinds of stuff. Her eyes brighten and she is like a kid in a candy store! I love watching her enjoy the season. MERRY CHRISTMAS CHERYL :)
Speaking of decorating, the grands (and Cheryl) had a ball decorating the tree on Thanksgiving day. I was a little "under the weather", so I forgot to take any pictures. The whole family was over and being with them helped me to feel better :)
Since I am having to write this a little along, it is now Monday. Woohoo I get to go to work! Up at 5:30AM, why not I wasn't sleeping very well anyway, shower, shave and off we go. What a beautiful sunrise over Shreveport this morning, pinks, purples and shades of blue. Don't ya just love Mondays........ yeah I know, I've done gone over the edge!! :)
I get here this morning to find I have to start two new declining balance spreadsheets and try to figure out why my funding is short on a service contract. Man where else can you have this much fun and get paid too?? Well I better get busy and I will try to post more later. I will also try to get some pictures included. Would you rather have pictures of the sunrise of the spreadsheets?
Remember, every Monday is a gift from God! :)